Decorating Dialogue, Design Tips

Did you know that even your furry friends could enjoy artful design? People with pets spend a lot of time creating cool, stylish and well functioning spaces that they enjoy living in. But where should we draw the line when it comes to decorating for pets in our homes? Isn’t it true that our pets shower us with love and attention and make us smile each and every day? If that is your situation, then take this tip from a kindred spirit and include your pets in your next design project.

Can't Hold It Any Longer!
Can’t Hold It Any Longer!

Here are some “pet friendly” decorating ideas:

Cats enjoy being up high, so purchase some ready made shelving, cover with non-skid material and mount on the wall to create a kitty staircase and perch. This can be installed anywhere you choose in your home.

To keep kitties from “christening” your furniture, give them a tempting scratching post instead. They are widely available and come in an array of shapes, styles and colors.

There is no shortage of posh pooch furniture and accessories to spoil Fido. Everything from stylish doggie beds to unique food bowls are available from your favorite retailer.

My guess is every home with a pet has hundreds of pet photos. Create a gallery of your favorite pictures and frame them to blend with your existing décor. Your “bragging wall” can be placed front and center, or displayed in one of the more private areas of your home.

Frankly, pet decorating opportunities are endless. Just remember not to go too crazy as you don’t want to be  labeled as the house that went to the dogs!

Decorating your home should always be fun and including your four-legged family members in your design decisions is not only okay, it is encouraged!

Feel free to share your own pet decorating ideas by commenting here.